
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar

Details of the Activity


The 7th Karen Youth Organization (KYO) Congress of Doo Tha Htu District Successfully Completed

11 April 2023, KNU-Central

The 7th Congress of the Karen Youth Organization (KYO) in Doo Tha Htu District took place on the 7th and 8th of April 2023, in Bilin Township, Doo Tha Htu District, Kawthoolei.

The congress witnessed the participation of 80 individuals, including leaders from the Karen National Union (KNU) of Doo Tha Htu District, as well as representatives from Central, District, Beilin Township, Thaton Township, Kyaik Hto Township, Hpa-an Township, and Paung (Moscow) Special Region KYO. Additionally, there were observers in attendance.

During the Congress, reports from the respective townships and the district were presented and reviewed.

The representatives at the Congress deliberated on the progress of plans and activities derived from the 6th Doo Tha Htu District KYO Congress, resulting in the adoption of 11 plans for future activities during the 7th Doo Tha Htu District KYO Congress.

The 7th Doo Tha Htu KYO Congress elected 21 members to the Standing Committee.

1.     Saw Lwan Moe Naing

2.     Saw Nyi Nyi Htet

3.     Saw Htoo Saw

4.     Saw Tah Nay Tha

5.     Saw Sai Nay

6.     Naw Khin Khin Chit

7.     Naw Yamin Soe

8.     Naw Kyi Win

9.     Saw Wana Tun

10.  Saw Thae Po

11.  Saw Kyaw Win Htet

12.  Saw Bo Bo San

13.  Saw Wana Aung

14.  Naw Sandar

15.  Naw Yu Yu Khaing

16.  Naw Po Ei San

17.  Saw K’ Bweh

18.  Naw Tin Yu Nwe

19.  Naw Mee Mee Su

20.  Saw Hsa Moo Paw

21.  Saw Maung Chae


The elected members of the Executive Committee at the 7th Congress of the Karen Youth Organization (KYO) in Doothaek District are as follows:

1.     Chairperson: Saw Lwan Moe Naing

2.     Vice Chairperson: Saw Sai Nay

3.     Secretary: Saw Tah Nay Tha

4.     Joint Secretary: Saw Htoo Saw

5.     Organization and Information Officer: Saw Nyi Nyi Htet

6.     Social Officer: Naw Kyi Win

7.     Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development Officer: Saw Kyaw Win Htet

8.     Treasurer: Naw Khin Khin Chit

9.     Auditor: Naw Yamin Soe