
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar

About KNU

Central Standing Committee

Central Standing Committee members - 17th KNU Congress
1. P'doh Saw Kweh Htoo Win - Chairman
2. P'doh Saw Hser Gay - Vice Chairman
3. P'doh Saw Tah Doh Moo - General Secretary
4. P'doh Saw Thaw Thi Bwe - Joint General Secretary-1
5. P'doh Saw Hla Tun - Joint General Secretary-2
6. P'doh Naw Dah Dah
7. P'doh Saw Ehklu Say
8. P'doh Saw Taw Nee
9. General Saw Johnny
10. Brigadier General Saw Tamla Thaw
11. P'doh Saw Law Eh Moo
12. P'doh Mahn Ba Tun
13. P'doh Diamond Khin
14. P'doh Saw Thamain Tun
15. P'doh Saw Ah Toe
16. P'doh Naw Myaing Poe
17. P'doh Saw Ler Ner
18. P'doh Saw Kler Say
19. P'doh Saw Poe Po Htoo Aung
20. Colonel Sa Phan Lo Hay
21. Lieutenant Colonel Saw Aung Si
22. P'doh Naw Lweh Htoo Say
23. P'doh Blue Min Night Zan
24. P'doh Naw Marry Htay
25. P'doh Mahn Kannedy
26. P'doh Saw Kanel Paw
27. P'doh Saw Hser Bweh
28. P'doh Saw Eh Htoo
29. Major Saw Win Kyaw
30. Lieutenant Colonel Saw Bu Phaw
31. Brigadier General Saw Ko Htoo
32. P'doh Saw Klo Say Doh
33. P'doh Saw Soe Myint
34. Brigadier General Saw Soe Myint Htwe
35. Brigadier General Saw Del Poe
36. Brigadier General Saw Auguste
37. Brigadier General Saw Lee Traw
38. Colonel Saw Lay Htaw
39. P'doh Saw Plo Soe Win
40. P'doh Saw Tender
41. Brigadier General Saw Ghee Nwee
42. Lieutenant Colonel Saw Ghee Nwee
43. Lieutenant Colonel Saw Shwe Maung
44. Colonel Saw Dee Kwel Htoo
45. Brigadier General Saw Eh Kalu Thein

Central Standing Committee members - 16th KNU Congress
16th Congress of Karen National Union democratically elected (41) Central Standing Committee members with (14) appointed Central Standing Committee members according to Karen National Union Constitution.

(1) General Saw Mutu Sae Poe
(2) P'doh Saw Kwe Htoo Win
(3) P'doh Saw Tah Doh Moo
(4) P'doh Saw Hser Pweh
(5) P'doh Saw Hla Tun
(6) Lieutenant Colonel Saw Roger Khin
(7) P'doh Saw Thamain Tun
(8) P'doh Mahn Nyein Maung (resigned from KNU 28.7.2020)
(9) P'doh Naw Dar Dar
(10) General Saw Johnny
(11) Major General Saw Isaac Poe
(12) P'doh Mahn Ba Tun
(13) P'doh Saw Aung Win Shwe
(14) Brigadier General Saw Tamla Thaw
(15) P'doh Naw Myaing Poe
(16) P'doh Saw Ehklu Shaw Oo
(17) P'doh Saw Matar
(18) P'doh Saw Ahtoe
(19) P'doh Saw Mya Maung
(20) P'doh Saw Ehklu Say
(21) Major Saw Kler Doh
(22) P'doh Naw Marry Htay
(23) Colonel Saw Kawkasar Nay Soe
(24) P'doh Naw Phaw Day Toe
(25) P'doh Saw Poepo Htoo Aung
(26) P'doh Mahn Soe Tint
(27) P'doh Saw Naythabalay
(28) P'doh Saw Eh Htoo
(29) P'doh Saw Beelel
(30) P'doh Saw Keller Moo
(31) P'doh Saw Shadra Doo
(32) P'doh Saw Taw Nee
(33) Brigadier General Saw Lay Doh Moo
(34) Brigadier General Saw Lay Mu
(35) P'doh Saw Bar Di Poe
(36) Major Saw Titus
(37) P'doh Mahn Kannedy
(38) P'doh Saw Kanel Phaw
(39) P'doh Saw Diamond Khin
(40) P'doh Saw Kler Say
(41) P'doh Naw Lwel Lwel Phaw
(42) P'doh Saw Kolay
(43) Brigadier General Saw Kyaw Lin
(44) P'doh Saw Eh Wah
(45) Brigadier General Saw Kyaw Min (P.A.D.H.D 24-4-2017)
(46) P'doh Saw Hser Gay
(47) Brigadier General Saw Ehklu Thein
(48) Lieutenant Colonel Saw Hsar Pi Tu
(49) Brigadier General Saw Dah Kyaw Lu
(50) P'doh Saw De Gay Junior
(51) Brigadier General Saw Mu Hel
(52) Lieutenant Colonel Saw Shwe Maung
(53) Brigadier General Saw Hsa Mi Say Poe
(54) P'doh Saw Aung Maw Aye
(55) Brigadier General Saw Jaw Phyu

Remark (1) No (45) Brigadier General Saw Kyaw Min passed away during his duty on 24/4/2017 and Brigadier General Saw Deh Poe was appointed as Central Standing Committee member for substitution. (Approved by First CSC Meeting on 16-20/5/2017)

Remark (2) Hpa-pon District held district congress and elected P'doh Saw Tender as a District Chair Person, therefore Central Standing Committee First Emergency meeting on 4-7/10/2017 accepted him as Central Standing Committee member.

Remark (3) Brigadier General Saw Dar Kyaw Lu was retired and replaced by Brigadier General Saw Muler, approved by Second Central Standing Meeting on 23-27/1/2018.

16th Congress of Karen National Union democratically elected Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Joint General Secretary-1 and Joint General Secretary-2.

1. General Saw Mutu Sae Poe - Chairman
2. P'doh Saw Kwe Htoo Win - Vice-Chairman
3. P'doh Saw Tah Doh Moo - General Secretary
4. P'doh Saw Hser Pwe - Joint General Secretary (1)
5. P'doh Saw Hla Tun - Joint General Secretary (2)

16th Congress of Karen National Union democratically elected Chief Justice.

(1) P'doh Naw Myaing Poe – Chief Justice

16th Congress of Karen National Union
March (14) to April (9), 2017
Venue: Laywah, Hpa-an District