
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar

Details of the Activity


Successful Completion of the 2nd Karen Youth Organization (KYO) Congress in Hlaing Bwe Township

27 April 2023, KNU-Central

The 2nd Karen Youth Organization (KYO) Congress in Hlaing Bwe Township took place on April 24 in T’Ri Poe Kwee Village, Hlaing Bwe Township, Hpa-an District, Kawthoolei. The Department of Organization and Information of Hlaing Bwe Township outlined the Congress's objectives, while the KYO Secretary of Hpa-an District provided explanations on the election system, rules, and regulations during the event.

During the congress, among the attending youth representatives, a team of five officers for the Election Commission was elected using a system involving one proposal and two supporters. The elected Election Commission officers then presided over the ongoing election process, wherein the youth representatives also utilized a secret ballot system to elect seven members of the Executive Committee for the Hlaing Bwe Township KYO.

From the initially-elected seven Executive Committee members, the Chairperson and Secretary were subsequently chosen through a secret ballot system. The remaining five committee members were assigned specific duties, overseeing areas such as organizing and information, environmental conservation and development, social responsibility, treasurer, and auditor. The newly elected committee members took an oath, and the Election Commission facilitated the formal handover of responsibilities. Following this, both the attending youth representatives and committee members collaboratively drafted and adopted plans for the future during the Congress.

The congress saw the participation of 46 youth representatives and observers from almost 30 village tracts within Hlaing Bwe Township. Attendees included village administrators, the Chief of Judge of Hlaing Bwe Township, Joint Secretary, transportation and communication representatives, members from the Karen Women Organization (KWO), Karen National Police Force (KNPF), Deputy Battalion Commander of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Battalion #21, as well as representatives from Hpa-an District Department of Organization and Information, and KYO.