
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar

Details of the Activity


Kler Lwee Htu District Celebrated the World Teachers’ Day and Discussed the Educational Issues

6 October 2023, KNU-Central

On the 5th of October 2023, the World Teachers' Day was celebrated at Tah Say Der Hall in Hsaw Hti Township, Kler Lwee Htu District (Brigade #3).

There were two parts to the ceremony. Parents of the students, teachers, and members of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) Battalion (#7) Captain Saw Moo K'Paw and Captain Saw Hai Ray, as well as the department head of education Padoh Saw Kelbee, Padoh Saw Hsa K'Paw in Hsaw Hti Township, attended and celebrated World Teachers' Day. The ceremony was attended by over 200 people in total.

The participants took their seats and saluted the national flag of Karen to start the first section of the agenda. The agenda then moved on to an introduction and the opening remarks of the chairperson. The MC gave a speech of congratulations and encouragement, and Padoh Saw Kelbee spoke about the issues in education, the structure, policy, and principal of schools as well as the pertinent politics and education. The first part of the program was concluded with the Karen National Anthem, followed by a speech of gratitude and an agenda item honoring the teachers.

At 12:30 p.m., the second portion of the agenda was resumed. The MC split the groupings into two groups: teachers' group and the group consisting of school committees, village tract leaders, and parents of the students. The groups talked about issues like how the current political climate has affected education and whether it has made it better or worse. They also talked about what the participants wanted to see happen to the educational system in their area and to Karen education overall in the future.

This program's objectives are to better understand the value of mother tongue and the current state of Kawthoolei’s education, as well as parents, respected village senior members, and teachers from Kawthoolei school to collaborate with Myanmar teachers.