
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar


No Date Title Categories Download
121 2021-01-29 KNU statement on current situation (Burmese) KNU Supreme Headquarters
122 2021-01-28 KWO stands with Doo Tha Htu District's Civilian Demanding Withdrawal of Burma Army and An Immediate end to fighting KNU Supreme Headquarters
123 2021-01-28 KWO Condemns Escalating Violence in Karen State and Calls for an urgent response by the International Community KNU Supreme Headquarters
124 2021-01-17 KNU Kler Lwee Htu Statement after 23rd District Congress (Burmese Version) Kler Lwee Htu District
125 2021-01-17 KNU Kler Lwee Htu Statement after 23rd District Congress (Karen Version) Kler Lwee Htu District
126 2021-01-09 KNU statement on the Ceasefire Situation (English Version) KNU Supreme Headquarters
127 2021-01-08 KNU statement on the Ceasefire Situation KNU Supreme Headquarters
128 2021-01-07 KNU Mutraw District Statement (Karen Version) KNU Supreme Headquarters
129 2020-12-01 KNLA statement regarding 2020 general election and peace process (Burmese Version) Karen National Liberation Army
130 2020-11-08 KNU statement on 2020 General Election (Karen Version) KNU Supreme Headquarters
131 2020-11-07 KNU statement on 2020 General Election (Burmese Version) KNU Supreme Headquarters
132 2020-11-03 KNU-Mutraw District-Bu Tho Township Statement KNU Supreme Headquarters
133 2020-10-15 KNU statement on the 5th anniversary of signing Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (Burmese) KNU Supreme Headquarters
134 2020-10-15 KNU statement on the 5th anniversary of signing Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (Karen) KNU Supreme Headquarters
135 2020-10-15 KNU statement on the 5th anniversary of signing Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (English) KNU Supreme Headquarters