
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar

Details of the Activity


The Karen Youth Organization (KYO) Central Organized Youth Fellowship Seminar

6 September 2023, KNU-Central


The Youth Fellowship Seminar was organized by the Karen Youth Organization (KYO-Central) and took place on September 4-5, 2023, at KYO-Central.

There were sixty people present, including Padoh Saw Hla Tun, the Joint General Secretary (2) of the Karen National Union (KNU), Padoh Saw Thamain Tun, a member of the Central Standing Committee, Colonel Saw Moses, the commander of Battalion (#24) in the Karen National Liberation Army, Colonel Saw Maung Kyi, the Chief of Police of Hpa-An District, Colonel Saw Moses of KYO (Central), KYO (Hpa-An District), Karen Legal Aid Center (KLAC), and the other ethnic alliance.

“The young people from various organizations had friendship and exchange seminars, and discussed how to build the networking and alliance for the revolutionary movement, roadmap and how to carry out it”, said Saw Tha Heh Sree.

"The youth from different associations participated in the seminarworkshop, where they talked about forming alliances and networks for the revolutionary movement, as well as its strategy and execution," stated Saw Tha Heh Shee.

Furthermore, according to Padoh Saw Ler Ner, Chairperson of KYO and member of the Central Standing Committee, the purpose of holding this youth fellowship seminar was "to have the common political belief of the abolition of dictatorship, to gain the equal rights, to abolish the old system of the society, and to form the new society with self-determination."

The program for the two days included an introduction, a discussion of the current political climate and movement, the value of youth involvement, youth and the environment, youth organization activities, youth perspectives on the socioeconomic and living conditions in Myanmar, a general knowledge quiz related to the Kawthoolei Constitution, fellowship games, a football tournament, and an award.