
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National"  

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union"  

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  • Myanmar


Inventory and Summary of Human Rights Violations committed by the Myanmar military junta forces in the first months of 2024 in Kawthoolei Administrative Area

July 12th, 2024, KNU-Central.
According to the records of the KNU-Karen National Union's Information and Release Center (Headquarters), in the Kawthoolei administrative area, the SAC’s forces brutally committed more than ten types of human rights violations in order to maintain their power and to gain control over Kawthoolei administrative areas in the first six months of 2024.The types and numbers of human rights violations committed by the SAC’s forces in Kawthoolei administrative areas are as follow-
1. Air-strikes against civilians-850 times
2. Heavy artilleries against civilians- 1249 times
3. Done attacks - 106 times
4. Arbitrarily shooting at the civilians- 11 times
5. Planting land-mines on civilian roads- 37 times
6. Arresting civilians- 22 times
7. Burning civilians’ properties- 18 times
8. Abducting and forcing civilians to serve as porters - 5 times
9. Raiding civilians’ houses and confiscating their belongings – 4 times
10. Forcefully pushing the civilians to migrate- 1 time
The SAC’s forces committed 10 types of human rights violations in a total number of 2303. Because of those human rights violations, 96 civilians were arbitrarily arrested and 134 of them brutally got killed. Not only 439 civilians were injured, but also 6 churches, 23 monasteries, 14 schools, 2 clinics, 2 hospitals, 79 public buildings, 32 barns, 6 farming yards, 1024 houses were destroyed, and 6 civilians were forcibly arrested by the SAC’s forces. The cruelties of the forces violate the rights of the people and increases the total number of 1,244,415 refugees in
KNU Kawthoolei Administrative Area from February 1st 2021 till June 2024.
In the above listed data, it is known that the human rights violations committed by the Myanmar military junta forces are much higher than the damages caused from 2021 to 2023 when the coup d'état took place. This information is merely collected data; further information remains uncollectible; therefore, the actual damage may exceed the amount of listed data.