
  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to ward the Political Will of the Karen National" 

  "From the Karen National Political Dialogue to establish a Federal Democratic Union" 

  • English
  • Karen
  • Myanmar



Second Ethnic Armed Organisations Conference - Law Khee Lar, Karen State

Ethnic Armed Conference, Law Khee Lar, Karen State

The second Ethnic Armed Organisations Conference, discussing the nationwide ceasefire, was held in Law Khee Lar, Karen State, the Headquarters of the Karen National Union, from 20 to 25 January, 2014.

Representatives from 17 ethnic armed organisations; AA (Arakan Army), ALP (Arakan Liberation Party, ANC (Arakan National Council), CNF (Chin National Front), DKBA (Democratic Karen Benevolent Army), KIO (Kachin Independent Organization), KNU (Karen National Union), KNU/KNLA PC (Peace Council), KNPP (Karenni National Progressive Party), LDU (Lahu Democratic Union), MNDAA (Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army), NMSP (New Mon State Party), PNLO (Pa'O National Liberation Organization), PSLF (Palaung State Liberation Front), RCSS (Restoration Council of Shan State), SSPP (Shan State Progressive Party) and WNO (Wa National Organisation), as well as, observers and special guests, Gen M. Bala – Vice – Chairperson of KIO, Khum Markoban (UNLD – LA) and Mr. Sasakawa – Nippon Foundation, attended this conference totalling 153 people.

The main purpose of the conference was to prepare and discuss the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement document that was formed through mutual agreement between the Ethnic Armed Groups.

In his opening speech, General Saw Mutu Sae Poe, KNU Chairman and  Conference Presidium said, "I would like to urge all the ethnic representatives to work on a mutual agreement" He further added that "We have fought continuously for a federal union, self-determination and equality for more than 60 years, but other than asking us to exchange arms for peace and to enter into a legal fold, successive military regimes has given us no chance to discuss. Starting from 2011, the U Thein Sein government has begun talking about building peace though negotiations based on equality, freedom and justice and building a federal union through a practical approach. While those things can’t be called changes taking place on the basis of sufficient level of negotiation, it is fair to say that these changes initiated by the government are in the right direction”.

Karen Armed Groups Show Unity At The Ethnic Conference

The Ethnic Armed Organisations conference regarding the Nationwide Ceasefire is being held in Law Khee Lar, the KNU headquarters from January 20 to 25, 2014.

High-ranking representatives from the Karen armed groups KNU, DKBA and KNU/KNLA PC attended this conference.

What is most unusual about this conference is that the three Karen armed groups representing different factions of the Karen soldiers are united under one banner and fly only one flag, the Karen National Flag.

Additionally, when the ethnic armed organisation representatives were asked to meet individually to discuss the nationwide ceasefire agreement, drafted by the ethnic Nationwide Ceasefire Coordination Team - NCCT, the three Karen armed groups opted to sit and discuss the agreement together under the leadership of KNU’s political goal. This is the first time the Karen armed groups have sat down together and discussed their political destiny since factions of the Karen soldiers split in 1994, which resulted in the formation of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (now renamed the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army) and later the KNU/KNLA - PC.

A Karen leader attending this conference, who wanted to remain anonymous, said "This is the result of the KNU strategies to reach out to the other Karen armed groups and the strong leadership of KNU Chairman General Saw Mutu Sae Poe. It will never have happened unless we reached out to them and they trust us".

At Karen New Year celebration this year, held at the BGF headquarters Shwe Kokko, the unarmed Karen soldiers from KNU, KPC and BGF marched in a parade for the first time and were cheered by the jubilant Karen visitors.